Support your local health care workers by preventing the spread of Covid-19.
If you wish to make an online donation without coming into the hospital, there is an online option.
Please go to here.
You can leave a donation in memory of a loved one, or make a general donation to the site of your choice.
You can also call and leave a message, and we can complete donations over the phone.
Call 705-356-2265 ext. 2619 and leave a message. We are operating off site, and will return your call as soon as we can.
We appreciate your support and patience.
Take Care and Stay Well.
Support Local Health Care
When you or a loved one is ill or injured, where do you turn?
If you’re like most people in our communities, you go to the North Shore Health Network. Whether you visit the Blind River Site, the Thessalon Site, or the Richards Landing - Matthews Site, you feel welcomed and secure in the hands of our local health care professionals.
With your support, the Foundation is able to replace outdated medical equipment, purchase innovative medical technology, and boost patient services. This not only improves patient outcomes, but sustains our access to local health care — now and in the future.
Help us continue to provide hope, healing, and recovery in our communities by donating to the Foundation today.
Your donation stays local
100% of your donation stays local. You can choose to support a specific NSHN site or donate to where it is needed most. Know that your generous gift helps keep local health care within reach.
The Foundation supports all sites of the North Shore Health Network:
Richards Landing - Matthews Site (Richards Landing, ON)
Thessalon Site (Thessalon, ON)
Blind River Site (Blind River, ON)
Making a difference!
Your donations have made a huge impact on health care in our communities. Since 2013, the Foundation has supported over $350,000 in equipment purchases and client services!
To see a complete list of equipment purchased in 2016-17, click here.