Holiday Mailer

For a digital copy of our annual Holiday Mailer, click here:

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A Message To Donors

The North Shore Health Network (NSHN) Foundation was established with a vision of collectively ensuring that appropriate health care would always be within reach. That means providing funds to NSHN for the Blind River, Thessalon and Richards Landing-Matthews sites, so they have access to the best medical equipment and patient services.

Through your generous donations to the Foundation, you have a direct impact on local care for patients and families in your communities. Your contributions are invaluable and the Foundation Board is grateful for your ongoing support in these challenging times.

We wish you a happy, healthy holiday season.

  • Joanne Falk
    Foundation Chair

Your donation makes access to quality health care possible.

Ontario hospitals are working harder than ever, but tax dollars alone aren't always enough to keep up.  The North Shore Health Network Foundation relies on your generous gift to replace outdated medical equipment, purchase innovative medical technology, and boost patient services. This not only improves patient outcomes, but sustains our access to local health care - now and in the future. 

NSHN Foundation Donor Funds

You will continue to have full control over how your contributions are allocated. Whether it’s for the greatest needs across all sites, Blind River site, Thessalon Site, Richards Landing-Matthews site, Long-Term Care, Palliative Care, all gifts will be directed according to donor intent, ensuring transparency and honouring every individual’s passion and priorities.

Featured News

Amanda Williams Elected Chair of the NSHN Foundation Board of Directors

Needed Equipment

NSHN needed 32 IV Pumps across all sites and we are happy to announce they have been purchased and are being used by nurses for patients in all 3 Emergency Departments, Acute Care, and Long-Term Care.

About Us

With your continued support, the NSHN Foundation raises funds to purchase new medical equipment for the three sites of the North Shore Health Network. 

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How To Give

Making a donation is simple and secure. You can choose the option that is easiest for you, whether that is in person, over the telephone, online, or by mail. 

Why Give?

When you or your loved one is ill or injured, where do you turn? If you're like most in our communities, you go to the North Shore Health Network. 


News & Events

The Foundation hosts several events each year in association with community partners. Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on current and upcoming events.