Our mission is to support local health care in your community
You can help by purchasing your 50/50 tickets today!
The 50/50 draw is live, and you can get your tickets at: www.nshn5050.com
The NSHN Foundation is so thankful for our community support. The proceeds from our 50/50 are going towards purchasing equipment and patient services for each of our sites; Blind River, Thessalon, and the Richards Landing-Matthews site.
We have a winner!!
The winner has been contacted, and we will be able to share more information soon. 😎
Our October's winner will be receiving a cheque for $5,070!!
Thank you so much to everyone who supports our 50/50. Every purchase adds up, and is a great way to support our communities.
November NSHN Foundation 50/50 is now open and you can purchase tickets here:
We will also be keeping the $2,500 guaranteed minimum grand prize!! You can also purchase tickets in person at the Christmas Gift Fair at the Community Centre in Blind River on November 19th, between 10am to 3pm! Also!!
As always you can buy your tickets at Main Street Pharmacy in Thessalon!
We are so happy to announce that our winner for September 2022 is Doctor Heather Blois!! Dr. Blois won $3,078!
Dr. Heather Blois is originally from Ottawa, and offers her services at Thessalon Hospital as a locum for the summer months. Dr. Blois also won our NSHN Foundation 50/50 in August of 2021!
Maybe this will encourage Dr. Blois, and other physicians, to keep coming back to support our communities!! Dr. Heather Blois is pictured here with co-worker Joanne Falk, who is also the Chair of the NSHN Foundation!
Thank you to all of our NSHN Foundation 50/50 supporters! You keep making the 50/50 worth it every month. This allows the NSHN Foundation to support our hospitals on the North Shore!!
Want in on the action? Get your lucky tickets here: www.nshn5050.com
October Draw has a guaranteed minimum of $2,500!! Let’s see how quickly we can surpass that and make even more of an impact!
Well guess who won our August NSHN Foundation 50/50 draw?
Rhonda Hagen won for the second month in a row!! This month she won even more! $3,912!
We have always said that although we are a smaller 50/50, our ticket buyers odds of winning are ALSO significantly higher; and this proves it!!
Rhonda’s ticket number is NSHN2886208
This just goes to show, that if you are one of our past winners, you CAN WIN AGAIN!! The benefit of supporting a local, and somewhat smaller, 50/50 draw, is that you definitely increase your chances of winning!
What’s her secret? Rhonda purchased the 400 tickets for $40 value bundle TWICE this month!! Thank you Rhonda for consistently supporting our local 50/50. It helps everyone on the North Shore have access to health care.
Thank you to all of our ticket holders for your support! As always, you can get your lucky tickets here: www.nshn5050.com
Our winner for July is Rhonda Hagen from Sault Ste Marie! Rhonda won $3298!!
Ticket number NSHN1668669
August 50/50 is now LIVE!!
The new Value Bundle has become quite popular, so we have decided to keep the 400 tickets for $40 for another month! Get yours today: www.nshn5050.com
June winner, Noella Miller!
Meet our Winner for June, Noella Miller!
Ticket number NSHN1885000
Noella has won $2500!!
Thank you to all of our supporters across the North Shore for participating in our NSHN Foundation 50/50!
July 50/50 is now open!
Get your lucky tickets here: www.nshn5050.com
Remember- we NOW offer a new VALUE Bundle!
Get 400 tickets for $40!!
Good Luck to all our tickets holders.
July's NSHN Foundation 50/50 ends Thursday, July 28th, at midnight! That gives us 4 weeks to gather up momentum to make our prize bigger than ever!
Thank you Everyone!
Get your tickets here: www.nshn5050.com
May winner, Jaylene Collins!
The winner for the May in the NSHN Foundation’s 50/50 is Jaylene Collins from Blind River!
Winning ticket number is NSHN2419622.
Congratulations Jaylene!!
Jaylene Collins won $2672!!
Jaylene is a retired nurse who worked at NSHN with our Long Term care residents in Golden Birches. She has been a large part of what makes our hospitals so great.
Thank you to all of our supporters who purchase every month. Your support goes a long way to help your local hospitals update equipment in order to provide care to our communities.
Get your tickets here: www.nshn5050.com
April winner, Shirley Lemieux!
Our Winner for April is Shirley Lemieux!
Ticket number NSHN2340059
She has won $3802!!
Congratulations Shirley! Shirley buys her tickets every month to support our local health care. Thank you so much!!
We hope this makes your summer a whole lot more fun!
In April we offered an early bird prize and many people supported it, and purchased their tickets early. Thank YOU!!
On April 14th Helen Beadle won our $500 early bird prize and yesterday we were finally able to meet.
Helen is an active community volunteer, and is pictured here with NSHN Foundation Board Chair Donna Orlando.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We will definitely be doing an early bird draw again in the future!
Get your lucky tickets for the May 50/50 here:
Live here, Give here.
Early Bird Winner for April, Helen Beadle, pictured here with NSHN Foundation Chair, Donna Orlando.
Congratulations to our March winner, Patricia Fluke!!
Patricia is from Thessalon, and she won $3785!
Ticket number #NSHN1019024
Patricia buys every month to support her local hospitals.
Thank you!!
Patricia Fluke winner of March 50/50 pictured here with NSHN Foundation Chair Donna Orlando
Our winner for February is Robin Kerr from Bruce Mines, and she won $5142!!
Congratulations Robin!
Robin has been supporting the 50/50 for months, and this was her month to WIN!
Thank you so much to all of our ticket holders for supporting our 50/50!!
March 50/50 is now live!
Get your lucky tickets here:
February winner, Robin Kerr!
Congratulations Janet Prodan!! Janet was the winner of our January 50/50 with a prize of $4828!
Thank you so much for supporting our local 50/50.
Janet is standing in front of the Richards Landing-Matthews site hospital that means so much to the community.
Over the past year and a half, NSHN Foundation has paid out almost $50,000 to our 50/50 winners!
For the month of February we are guaranteeing a minimum prize of $5000!
Enter for a chance to win!!
Get your tickets here: